Saturday, March 3, 2012

Here's To March

February through Instagram.

Goodbye, February.  Overall, you were a lovely month, and I'm sad to see you go.  I grew closer to new people, pushed myself further, and considered new possibilities for myself.  I was able to cross off a goal on my 22 Before 23 list when we visited Lawrence, which was to travel to a place I had never been.  I laughed more, cried less, and felt love all around me.  It was nice to know you this year, February.

Here's to March.  To Springtime and newly-blooming trees.  To more sunshine and less cold.  More early mornings, early nights, and feeling better.  Walking Dead marathons with my mom.  Starting my first few bits of a summer garden.  Submitting applications that make my heart beat fast and my tummy have butterflies full of nervousness.  March, I can't wait for you.
xo, A.

P.S.  You can find me on Instagram at _allisonlynn.

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