Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Here's To February //

January through Instagram.

Goodbye, January.  I'm quite sad to see you go, because you were a magnificent month, truly.  I started new adventures, made new friends,  and realized something very important about myself - that my power is in words.  I laughed more than I cried, and went to bed with joy in my heart.  It snowed, but only a tiny bit.  Then it was warm, like Spring had decided to say hello early.  I made important blog decisions, which I will share very soon.  I spent my time surrounded by people who make me feel loved and happy.  This year is off to a wonderful start because of you, January.

Here's to February, and all of the love that you're going to bring - because you are the month of love, after all.  Here's to early nights in bed and being up before the sun rises.  And seeing the sun rise.  Here's to Valentine's Day (I love it!), spending time at my new job with new friends, and creating Secret Pal gifts.  Dr. Pepper and chocolate-iced donuts.  My 2 year anniversary with Sean, my precious baby kitten, and my family.  And I mustn't forget my shoppe, as it's been a wonderful venture.
February, I hope you'll live up to January.

xo, A.

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