
She is a crocheter, photograph-taker, Creative Writing major, and aspiring book/yarn store owner. With far too many interests and things that grab her attention, she desires to learn all that she can about herself and the world around her.  When her mind isn't filled with crochet patterns and essay topics, she focuses on capturing new experiences, creating memories, and living a simple life.

He is a bricklayer, adventurer, and avid book reader.  He spends his time as selflessly as one can, focusing most spare time and energy on his loved ones.  He dreams of a more simple life, on the edges of society, where two can exist on their own schedules, contrary to the beat of the world around them.  He is, simply put, young at heart and old in soul.

They felt out of place on the Great Plains they call home, even before they met.  And once they found each other, their desire to plant their roots among the fir trees grew faster than they could have dreamed. For now, they share their life on the quiet Plains, but the adventure is merely beginning.
From beginning to end, this is their journey West.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
Henry David Thoreau